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Brooklyn is a large borough and apartments in most price segments can be found here. It will probably not come as a surprise that the most expensive areas in Brooklyn tend to be those closest to Manhattan (Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, Williamsburg) and those near Prospect Park, especially Park Slope (see NORTH-WESTERN BROOKLYN below).

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Thousands of No-Fee apartment listings with direct contact info, a directory of building owners and managers, an extensive catalog of NYC rental, condo and co-op buildings, neighborhood profiles and more. NYBits is the most comprehensive site for finding no-fee apartments for rent in New York. We have listings for thousands of no-fee rentals (updated daily), thousands of profiles of NYC buildings detailing their amenities and services, and a comprehensive directory of property management companies. NYBits currently lists 2,528 2-Bedroom apartments for rent in New York City. Though Manhattan is the smallest of the five boroughs in land area and only the third on the list population-wise (well behind Brooklyn and Queens), it is New York's undisputed center and the locus of the city's social, financial, and political power.

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Makeup Artist diplômée A travaillé chez MAC COSMETICS ,RTS,Grand Théâtre Genève Jan 25, 2018 · NEWSLETTER.

New York City je najhustejšie zaľudneným mestom Spojených štátov.Má viac ako 8, 3 miliónov obyvateľov a rozprestiera sa na ploche 789 km².